High Content Imaging is Now High Throughput: End to End High Content Imaging and Subcellular Analysis of Autophagy in 15-30 Minutes per Plate
By pairing resolution and speed with rapid image analysis, Araceli Endeavor® high content imager and Clairvoyance™ high content imaging analysis software demonstrate that assaying for autophagy can truly be a high throughput screen. With this system, end-to-end imaging and analysis took <15-30 minutes/96-well plate, with robust, consistent results (average Z’=0.79, Table 1). This readily scales up: since total imaging area is the same, full well imaging of 1536-well plates only takes an additional 1-2 minutes/plate longer than the plates used here, with equivalent analysis times. This enables over 100,000 compounds to be screened in a single day without compromising assay quality: truly high throughput speeds in HCS.